Devara Collections: Why These Inflated Figures?

"Devara" is undoubtedly a big movie with one of the largest openings, and its first-day numbers were solid. But why exaggerate the figures by adding more to them? Who benefits from this?

Inflating numbers won’t necessarily make buyers happy. Even if it's done to please NTR, will it really boost the market in the long term?

For instance, in the Nizam region, "Devara" was sold for Rs 45 crores, and reports suggest it earned over Rs 40 crores in just three days.

Some estimates claim the total collections could reach Rs 60 to Rs 70 crores in its full run. But will inflating figures make buyers pay Rs 70 crores for future films? Won't the buyers be aware of the actual figures? Readmore!

A recent mid-range film faced similar issues. Despite the hype, buyers hesitated because they knew the real numbers.

While "Devara" performed well, earning over Rs 14 crores on its first day in Nizam and Rs 15 crores over the next two days, the publicized figures are often exaggerated by over 30%.

Buyers are sending accurate DCRs, but the inflated figures serve no real purpose other than generating noise among fans.

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