Watch: Small Time Director Ridicules KGF2

Venkatesh Maha is the director who made a film called "Care Of Kancherapalem," which was turned off by the audience at theaters. But he feels he made a masterpiece. There is no problem as he keeps his feelings with himself. But he gushed out his frustration on KGF2 using words like 'neech kameen kutte.'

While he was ridiculing in his flow with such words, the other two Telugu directors, Indraganti Mohana Krishna and Nandini Reddy, laughed and guffawed in merriment. In a way, they enjoyed Prashant Neel's blockbuster hit KGF2 getting mocked.

Is this the culture of these directors? The Kannada film industry is indeed growing stronger and surpassing Tollywood even by commercial means.

"What kind of film did this guy make? And with what words is he criticizing KGF2 publicly? He is the worst guy who is unnecessarily developing rage between the audience of Kannada and Telugu. I also condemn the other two directors seconding him," wrote a netizen. Readmore!

"We adore Telugu directors and their films. But this is the real color of Telugu directors who ill-treat Kannada directors. Let us boycott Telugu films in Karnataka until this useless director apologizes," mentioned another netizen.

I hope Venkatesh Maha responds to this and corrects his mistake.

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