Why Only TDP Ladies Slap Their Thighs?

Thigh slapping is something masculine like swirling the moustache to denote audacity and rebellion. Of course, the females cannot swirl their moustaches as they don't have any.

But a woman slapping the thigh cannot be equated to that of a man doing the same. The Indian world considers it either cultureless or below dignity. 

There are many sections in the society that consider this act in a sexual context.

"Woman slapping her thigh in public cannot be denoted as an invitation for a fight but something else. It is disgusting to see women slapping thighs in public these days", says a woman from Vijayawada. Readmore!

It is known that a woman in Mahanadu became popular by slapping her thigh on the dais. Similarly the pictures of a lady Amaravathi activist slapping her thigh went viral yesterday.

"I don't understand why only the TDP ladies slap their thighs. I never saw any Veera Mahila from Janasena doing that. I also didn't see any YSRCP supporter or BJP sympathizer doing such acts", said a Janasainik from Guntur.

Many journalists and the educated crowds in the state are saying that it is disgraceful to see women slapping their thighs in public. 

Some are lamenting that this is putting down the image of Telugu community in general and Andhra culture in particular in the neighboring Telugu state.

"NTR who founded TDP uplifted the pride of Telugu and Telugu women. But the present TDP leadership and followers are bringing disgrace by these thigh slapping acts of women", says a senior citizen.

All said and done, many are saying that the women who wish to see themselves in the limelight for one day are slapping their thighs in political events.

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