Weekly Horoscope Oct 9th Dec to 10th Nov, 2018: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): Business negotiations will be successful. Good time to start a new course of education. Your social charm and diplomacy make this right time to make friends. It is also beneficial to settle any disputes with your relatives. Those who are participating in competitive exams should work hard. Some of you may spend time to develop artistic ideas. You may talk all you want, but it’s probable that your suggestions will have little or no effect on the people in charge. Get together with some of your favorite people is likely. say as little as possible and concentrate on matters in hand.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): You are advised to plan for your future and concentrate on your savings. It is unwise to start any new projects. It is also not good time to be outspoken or bossy, make an extra effort to be considerate to people around you. New attitude could lead to growth in your career. This will make you more efficient and productive. Employees can expect support from your superiors. You will have a hard time expressing your deepest thoughts with your loved ones. You may need to spread your wings more widely than usual, whether through mental or physical pursuits.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): Things will run much more smoothly, if you trust other people’s efforts and keep your doubts aside. Major opportunities to grow in your career is likely. Social interactions will improve. Joint ventures may need thorough study. Ensure that you choose your words carefully while discussing any tricky issues. Those who, are in lead positions may have to take steps with full focus and attention, this saves them from making any mistakes. Financial position will be good. Close relationships sometimes cause problems for you.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): Problems you encounter at this phase are temporary and the less fuss you make, the sooner they will go away. Perfect time for those who wants to change their field of work. Technical people may face new challenges in their projects. Your desire to excel in current position will be successful with your determination and confidence. Your plans in domestic affairs will work out well. Some of you will enjoy delightful company of your friends. Business people may undertake new projects. It is a time for teamwork rather than going it alone, even if it is only a temporary measure.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): You will be able to come out safely in a tricky situation with favorable planetary position. Good encouragement for creativity is likely. Financial problems if any, will be resolved at this juncture. It is better to follow your own mind, instead of asking other people for solutions. You could soon be given new responsibilities at work place. Pay attention to your new projects, if you are fed up with your current job, start considering your options. Few wise decisions enable you to save your dignity and rationality.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): It could be a productive time if you accept whatever comes your way. your strength lies in acceptance of random things. Good time to accomplish your goals, surround yourself with wise people that can help you in your pursuit. Some of you may be given leadership role in few assignments at work place. Entertaining at home and encouraging social gatherings within your family will be high on your list of priorities. Hasty commitments may lead to disappointments. You may be unclear about certain issues pertain to personal life.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): You may have little trouble in gaining favors from others. Any relationships strained in the past could be improved at this juncture. A positive attitude works miracles, especially when others are looking to you for a support, believe that you can make a difference. While dealing sensitive issues, remember to pay attention to the people whom you value most. Some of your personal matters may need more time to get cleared. Surprisingly miscommunications tend to work to your advantage.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): More money than usual is apt to be spent on social events. Spiritual activities will give you tremendous happiness. Your brain is hard at work on several different levels. You will make progress in all directions. A debate with your relatives or near ones is likely. You may react very quickly in few situations that other astonish at your actions. You will be able to do more with your far-fetched ideas when people do not expect them. Some of you may relocate to other areas. Your plans to earn more money will be fulfilled by working extra hours or by accepting short term assignments.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): The charm of your personality, willingness to cooperate and sense of humor make a big difference. Take your time doing what you want to do, balance is being restored. Some new responsibilities are placed on you. Without your concern, your business partner may take few decisions in partnership business. You are likely to attend auspicious ceremonies. You will focus much on spiritual deeds. Force yourself to concentrate on matters in hand and find a way to shut out all distractions. Family support and warm companionship from friends is likely.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): If you are looking for funding, applying for a loan or soliciting potential investors now it is the time to do it. You are advised not to interfere in other’s affairs though they push you to involve. Your self-confidence may bring many positive results and this happy state of affairs will continue. Contractors may get new opportunities. There could be a possibility of new agreements. Favorable time to put some of your ideas into action. Solidarity in the company of your partner and friends is indicating. You are likely to receive gifts from your loved ones.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Maintaining a slow and steady pace will let you emerge as the winner and brings you many opportunities. It’s time for you to free yourself from some long-held idea. Try to act according to the situations around you. Put-off making any hasty decision that could change your current conditions in domestic life. Those in professional courses will get opportunity to gain the experience in their field. Confusions in financial matters is likely. Your major focus will be in building relationships and making bonds at this juncture.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): Spend time on domestic activities. You may have to act tactfully, by not getting caught into tricky situations. You may face some extreme experience with immature people. Take every opportunity to be in the notice of your superiors. Business people may attend important meetings which, will enable them to plan for future actions. You are likely to depend on others for guidance. Nothing can stop you in making progress in your current tasks. Favorable time to plan for fixed assets. Take care while driving vehicles.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli