Power Of Grama Volunteers: India Should Know

The system of grama volunteers started by the Andhra Pradesh government ever since 2019 is showing its might during the disaster management.

The present pandemonium caused by the Corona Virus needs no introduction and explanation.

At this juncture, the grama volunteers at grassroot level are extending their support to the public and government extensively.

Here are a few points to be noted: Readmore!

- Grama volunteers have been giving the day to day updates in village/town level on the total number of people identified for observation, total number of people completed 28 days observation period, number under home isolation, number hospitalized within 12 hours and in many other parameters. This is helping the state for effective management. Had there been no grama volunteers the statistics and observations would have prone to gone wrong. 

- The janta curfew is affecting a few households who may need support like getting some urgent groceries/ milk. The people are seeking the help from grama volunteers and getting the things home delivered. 

- The emergency situations like sudden sickness are also being addressed by calling the grama volunteers immediately for personal support. 

- The details of the local population are known in a far better way only by the locals than the officers those come from other places. So the locally employed grama volunteer will have all the population statistics on finger tips. Whoever comes from outside, will be noted and examined. 

- In view of Covid 19 outbreak, the Grama volunteers also act like human CCTV cameras those can observe and report any suspected foreigners lurking around. 

There are umpteen advantages of grama volunteers the nation should know and implement.

Well, a few may quip by saying that any system is prone to corruption or malpractice. But creating a system and taking measures to curb manipulations is the duty of any able leadership. 

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