Young Hero Greedy Of Taking Advance Checks?

No one knows who started the phenomenon of giving advances to heroes without even having a story in hand to make a film. This has become a religious practice in the film industry. 

Every hero, small or big, holds some advance amount from many producers. As and when the story comes in line, they do the project and hardly anyone gives back the taken advance.

We have a young hero who is greedy about taking advance checks. He is welcoming every producer who knocks his door. 

Many times he is also listening to the stories and showing his artificial interest. After taking the advance check he is delaying the further meetings to give the dates.  Readmore!

After many phone calls he says that he is rethinking about the storyline or else demanding to change the director. 

When the producers ask him to pay back the advance, he denies but affirms that he will do the film. But nothing moves forward.

An NRI producer who paid a huge advance to this young hero got vexed and demanded his amount back. But the hero refuses to give the amount. 

The frustrated NRI producer is venting out his anger on the hero at his kith and kin.

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