A film director who recently released a movie was discussing the "manasika sthiti" of the reviewers for pointing out some limitations in his film.
He excessively tries to defend himself by emphasizing that he aimed to deliver a message through his film.
However, several aspects raise questions about his own "manasika sthiti" in making the film in this manner:
- He portrays the young heroine as a girl grappling with anxiety and phobias since her father's passing. However, if that is the case, why would the protagonist brutally kill hundreds of goons in front of her? Can such acts be carried in front of a girl with psychiatric issue like her? This raises questions about the 'manasika sthiti' of the director.
- Can we beleive a single prisoner in a jail thwarting mercenaries to rescue another prisoner, while the armed guards look on in astonishment? This absurd scene prompts scrutiny of the director's "manasika sthiti" for conceiving such unrealistic sequences.
- If the director truly intended to create a message-oriented film without commercial elements like glamour and dances, he should have refrained from including senseless action scenes and excessive bloodshed. The muddled execution of the movie itself raises concerns about his "manasika sthiti."
- Furthermore, the portrayal of scenes where even ministers and chief ministers fear before a regular cop suggests that the director's "manasika sthiti" might not even meet the standards of an elementary school student.
The film's underwhelming box office collections during the festival weekend, owing to the overall negative reception, indicate a disturbance in the director's "manasika sthiti," leading to his overreaction to the reviews.
It seems that the director needs to reflect on his own "manasika sthiti" before reacting to critics' comments on his films. His responses come across as laughable.