Big Media Houses Are Playing With Journalists

Several big media houses are playing with the lives of the journalists in India these days, mostly taking advantage of the Covid 19 pandemic.

The media houses, which made huge profits over the years, are now turning away some journalists and imposing some cuts on the wages of the rest of the journalists.

They have done this in 2020 when the Covid 19 hit the world first. They are repeating the same now, victimising the journalist community.

No journalist had ever asked for a share in the profits of the media houses, when they were making a fast buck. 


But, now showing the pandemic, the media houses are dropping the journos like garbage or cutting their salaries.

Hundreds of journalists were sent home during the last one year in the country, while the salary package for thousands of journalists were trimmed.

In some media houses, the stories are different. They are making huge money even now by making journalists write “paid reports”. 

These paid reports or articles fetch money to the media house like the advertisement, while there is nothing for the journalists. 

By paying for the articles, the big companies avoid taxes which are otherwise mandatory if the same matter appears in the form of advertisement. 

These paid articles also dupe readers and thus bring better fortunes for the big companies. 

With salaries cut and jobs removed, the journalists in India are the worst effected victims. 

The less we talk about the covid 19 positive journalists, the better we may feel. But, the lives of the positive journalists or those who died of the covid 19 have nothing behind. 

The governments are not helping them either for the treatment or to the bereaved families, leaving them to their fate.

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