YCP Party Fund Swallowed By Him?

The grand public meetings organized by YCP under the name 'Siddham' caught the attention of many statewide, before the elections. 

Aggressive publicity was done for these meetings, including advertisements and hoardings.

A gossip is making rounds in this regard. 

A source mentioned, "The advertising companies that held the hoardings were paid from the party account after some negotiations with certain 'key persons' involved in this. The condition was to pay a 22% kickback to the 'key persons' for every transaction. The companies complied, and the total amount involved ran into many crores of rupees". Readmore!

This gossip is making rounds in party circles. The notable point is that this was not government money but party funds. 

However, the person mentioned here is related to social media and worked closely with the I-PAC team in this context.

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