When Will AP Be Free Of Their Nuisance?

At a time when Andhra Pradesh is complaining of total apathy by the Centre towards the State’s interests, TRS MPs as usual led by the incorrigible Vinod came up with a ridiculous assertion.

They claimed that Union Defence Minister Nirmala Seetharaman was helping Andhra Pradesh and not Telangana.

Pray, in what way has the lady supported Andhra radish, can these gentlemen please clarify?

At the heart of the protest is the issue of defence land in Hyderabad.


After bifurcation, instead of using the available Secretariat and other buildings, KCR requested the Centre to hand over 200 acres of defence lands comprising Bison Polo grounds etc for constructing a new Secretariat and other highway and flyover projects.

The Centre is yet to respond. Meanwhile, Karnataka government requested defence land in their State for infrastructure purposes and the Centre readily agreed for the same leading the TRS MPs and KTR to cry foul.

Apparently, there is no politics involved here because Karnataka is not a BJP-ruled State.

Logistics, national security and a whole lot of other issues have to be taken into consideration before parting with defence land.

In some cases, it may be easy and complicated in other instances as it depends on the topography and demographics among other factors.

Like a school boy, KTR tweeted about this the other day to Nirmala Seetharaman who was gracious in her reply and said the officials of the State government and the Centre will work out the modalities.

Such important issues need to be addressed in person and not restricted to a 140 character rant. But KTR is treating it as a medium for scoring brownie points.

And as for the TRS MP Vinod, the lesser said about him, the better. During the T-agitation, he echoed the view of KCR’s daughter Kavitha and said Telanganites were not Indians but independent nations living a happy life until the region was annexed to the Indian Union in 1948 along with Kashmir.

Why then do Vinod and Kavitha sit in Parliament and travel on Indian passports? And why drag Andhra Pradesh into the controversy of defence land not being allotted to the T-government?

What does AP have to do with it?

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