What Happened To 'Double iSmart'?

Generally, Puri Jagannath completes film shoots very swiftly. He announces a film and releases it within the expected timeframe. However, "Double iSmart" has been silent for quite some time now.

It is said that despite completing shooting, there are still some loose ends with a few dialogues and a couple of songs pending. 

This delay has become a recurring issue with multiple scheduled shoots being postponed. Rumors of financial setbacks also surfaced, yet a significant investor injected 30 crores allowing progress to resume.

According to rumors Ram now appears willing to proceed with dubbing, upon clearing the balance payment in advance. 


Additionally sources say that Puri and Charmi are exploring avenues to secure an additional five crores by supplementing the funds previously raised. Talks are underway to negotiate a deal with Netflix, which could potentially pave the way for the film's release.

But finalizing a release date proves challenging, as prime slots are quickly filling up on the calendar. This project represents Ram's sole commitment at the moment yet even setting a release date proves to be a big task amidst the competition for favorable screening dates.

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