Weekly Horoscope May 26th to Jun 1st, 2019: Know weekly astrology predictions for all zodiac signs
Aries (21st Mar – 20th Apr): You will handle all your responsibilities carefully and impress people around you. Unexpected monetary gains may astonish you. You will be relieved from chronic health ailments. Those who are constructing houses may have to face hurdles at this phase. Students who are planning to fly abroad for higher studies will succeed in their attempts. Investments on fixed assets will yield good results. Socializing will be full of fun and joy. Participating in debates and public speaking will enable you to refine your communication style.
Taurus (21st Apr – 21st May): You will attract people with your skills and manage to get your things done. You will reminisce your past incidents and spend quality time with your friends and dear ones. You will be able to resolve some tensions with the support and guidance of your close friends. Relationships benefit from your sensible approach and steady affections. Fiscal dealings will run smoothly. Those who are in family businesses will have good opportunities to grow. Good openings are foreseen for the unemployed. Unexpected journeys may damage your health.
Gemini (22nd May – 22nd Jun): Tricky situations may trouble you. Though there is initial struggle in your assignments you will be able to overcome and handle all the situations confidently. Those who opposed you all these days will extend their support to you. You will take some important decisions at this juncture. however, overconfidence and a tendency to skip over the details could lead to loss and embarrassment. Litigation matter will settle down in your favor. Unemployed will succeed in finding job. Some of you may visit holy places with family and friends.
Cancer (23rd Jun - 22nd Jul): Some assignments will remain incomplete. You are unable to focus on your tasks. Disagreements with relatives may disturb you mentally. Though there will be sound income, expenditure may also raise equally. Unavoidable long journeys are indicating. Avoid hasty moves and decisions at this juncture. Some of you are likely to face legal issues also. Be patient and tranquil as, things will change in positive way. You are about to see some results for your efforts certainly. Spiritual activities will give you mental strength.
Leo (23rd Jul – 22nd Aug): Some important assignments may move sluggishly. Misunderstandings with dear ones is likely. You are advised to stay away from heated discussions and arguments. Financial struggles may disappoint you. Be careful while dealing with important documents. Health issues may annoy you. Your openness and honesty in sharing your feelings and emotions supports true friendship. Be independent and think for yourself. Some of you are likely to participate in religious rites. Unexpected issues may arise in business.
Virgo (23rd Aug – 22nd Sep): Recently started ventures will do well. Extra income will give you satisfaction. Investments made now, will yield good results. students will get good opportunities to excel in their education. Marital issues will be resolved amicably. Time is favorable to make changes in life. Your positive attitude makes it easy to gain the support of others. Those working in information and technology will receive good offers. Business dealings will be successful. People around you will accept your decisions and support you in all the situations.
Libra (23rd Sep – 22nd Oct): Your people may welcome your decisions. You are likely to spend time with your best buddies. Your efforts to resolve misunderstandings with your siblings will be successful. Gifts and compliments may pour in. Close monitoring in business activities will certainly improve the enthusiasm and zeal towards the business. Those in creative fields are likely to get opportunity to travel abroad. Nagging health issues may disturb your routine life. Keep control over expenditure also. Digging your past may create unnecessary mental agony and keep you in low spirits.
Scorpio (23rd Oct – 22nd Nov): Things will not workout as planned, as a result there could be some annoyance. Family members may oppose your decisions. Health issues may trouble you. Arguments with friends is likely. Unemployed may be disappointed with the circumstances around them. Work pressure may increase. Especially, for the business people. New contacts may develop. Some of you are likely to receive gifts. Visit to spiritual places is likely with your family members. Financial dealings may need attention. Unexpected traveling may upset you.
Sagittarius (23rd Nov – 22nd Dec): Disturbances in property matters are likely. Though your fiscal flow is fine, expenditure will increase drastically. Misunderstandings with relatives may upset you. You will participate in auspicious ceremonies. Business people will overcome all the hindrances that come in their way. Travel plans may get postponed, especially for the people in politics and research fields. Good news from distant place is likely. Not the best time for important decisions or signing contracts. Keep to the basics of communication when dealing with family and friends.
Capricorn (23rd Dec – 22nd Jan): Unexpected difficulties may arise in important tasks. Financial position may not be stable as expected. Friends may create mental stress in few situations. Not a favorable time for unemployed. Health issues may flare up. Domestic responsibilities may increase at this phase. Loss of documents or valuables are indicating. Influential contacts may develop. Slow moves in business will certainly workout. Opportunities may slip out in the last moment for creative filed people. You will feel a strong urge to break free of any boring routines.
Aquarius (23rd Jan - 22nd Feb): Unemployed may get surprising opportunities. Legal issues will be resolved in your favor. You will overcome all the hassles pertain to construction of new house. Some important issues will be fixed with your interference, and you will win the appreciation of people around you. Business people will get some relief from hectic pressure. Those in research field will work hard for the best results in their assignments and receive compliments from their officials. Unexpected expenditure is indicating due to health issues.
Pisces (23rd Feb – 20th Mar): Responsibilities may increase in domestic front. Decisions taken at this juncture may not give expected results. It is better to slowdown in all aspects. Travel plans may get postponed. Legal matters if any, will get resolved. Some of you are likely to lend money to meet the increased expenditure. Sports people may have to face some difficulties in present situations. Work pressure will increase in business and trading. There will be moment in pending issues, especially in construction matters. Good news received will keep you in good spirits.
Vakkantham Chandra Mouli