Weekly Horoscope: August 12 to August 18, 2024

Here is a guide to the week ahead for you. This is your forecast for August 12-18. 

Aries: This week, the cosmic placement makes you turn within and develop your personal life. It is also a good time to pay attention to creating a positive living environment and reinforcing one’s emotional pillars. This week, go with your gut and listen to your inner guidance system. You may also feel more sensitive and reflective than usual, which is a great quality if properly utilised. Spend time and think about yourself and what makes you feel safe. It is recommended that you make slight changes to the interior of your home that will improve your quality of life. For the job seekers, this week is good for networking by word of mouth. Think about jobs where you can work from home or in the industries connected with real estate, interior design, or counselling.

Tip of the week: Look within

Taurus: This week, accept your passion for knowledge and your need to inquire. Your mind is particularly alert, so it is a good time to learn something new, discuss interesting issues and communicate with people. Welcome to all the ideas that you come across in your day-to-day life. You may desire to read a book, write an article, or learn something new. This is when communication skills are developed and should be utilised in all aspects of life, personal and business. Speak your mind and emotions assertively, but do not forget to pay attention to how you listen to others. For singles, this week should make you more outgoing and liberal in your attitude towards the opposite sex. Talk to potential partners, whether it is through the Internet or face-to-face. Readmore!

Tip of the week: Learn something new

Gemini: This week is about your need to feel secure and establish a stable base. It is a time for reflection and to think about what is important in life and how one can better live by his or her principles. For this week, list down all your assets, tangible and non-tangible. Look not only at your assets and liabilities but also at your strengths, abilities and beliefs. You may feel more need for security and routine, which is not bad to have as an antidote to your otherwise fluid personality. Be conscious of your spending and try to find ways of increasing your financial stability. This does not mean being cheap but being wise when spending your money.

Tip of the week: Control your spending

Cancer: This week, you will feel more emotional, self-conscious, and in the process of personal development. This lunar placement makes you the centre of attention, boosts your intuition and makes you pay attention to your wants and needs. It is a time of change, new opportunities, and freedom to be who you are. This week, your emotional intelligence is at its highest, and you can determine how a particular situation will feel to you. This week is a chance for job seekers to bring their differentiation factors and EQ. For singles, it will be easier to get the attention of potential partners since your natural charm is boosted.

Tip of the week: Display Emotional Intelligence

Leo: This week, give yourself a chance to be alone and to think about yourself. It is when your intuition is acute, and if you would but pay heed to it, it will greatly help. Listen to the messages that your mind conveys through your dreams or any thoughts or feelings you may have in your mind repeatedly. Consider what makes you truly happy in your career besides the rank and the money. Networking can be stressful, but meeting people one-on-one or through the Internet can be beneficial. This week is an ideal time for single people to think about previous relationships and what they want in a partner.

Tip of the week: Listen to mind signals

Virgo: The stars push you to come out of your shell and be more involved in your society and the people around you. It is a time for cooperation, meeting people, and ensuring that the individual and the collective benefit from the process. Do not avoid social invitations or community events – they may be the source of important contacts. Professionals should concentrate on group activities and organisational campaigns. Your analytical skills and improved social skills make you a great asset, especially when working in groups. For singles, this week is all about increasing your circle of friends and finding a partner. Go to group functions–you can meet your partner there.

Tip of the week: Come out of your shell

Libra: This week's lunar placement prompts you to take on more responsibilities and advance towards your goals. It is when one is acknowledged and held accountable and when one’s public image is readjusted to the real self. This week, seek ways to demonstrate your skills and abilities and volunteer for additional tasks. It is a good time to seek promotions or any other positions that require you to be in charge. Be cautious with how you portray yourself to the public. If you are thinking of a career change, this week is good for you to take a risk and go for it. Couples should be honest about their career plans and how that affects their partnership.

Tip of the week: Take more responsibility

Scorpio: This week, you are on the brink of discovering new perspectives and philosophies. The lunar placement makes you more interested and prompts you to explore the world and gain more knowledge. Seek to learn new things and be open to changing your mind about something you previously believed. It is okay to challenge the status quo – this process is beneficial to the self. During this time, the employees should come up with new ideas or working initiatives. Accepting tasks that enable you to develop new skills or interact with different people is recommended. For singles, this week’s energy is to expand your dating options.

Tip of the week: Explore new things

Sagittarius: You will delve deeper into your emotions and go through a phase of change and metamorphosis this week. The lunar placement pushes you to explore the underbelly of existence. It is a time for reflection, confrontation of self and one’s fears and possibly, transformation. This week, take the chance to get in touch with your inner feelings and your inner self. Your inherent optimism and wanderlust are now focused inward, and you are encouraged to go on a soul-searching expedition. If issues of power or conflict have not been addressed or are festering, now is the time to address them healthily. Singles may be drawn to mysterious individuals. It is recommended to consider one’s areas of weakness.

Tip of the week: Prepare for change

Capricorn: This week is the time to invest in your relationships with people and reflect on how you interact with the environment. Focus on the people in your life and aim for healthy conflict in your dealings with others. The need for cooperation now complements your usual Capricorn self-orientation and work ethic. Accept the imperfections and think about how your decisions impact others. At work, pay attention to interpersonal relations and cooperation. Go out of your way to work on projects together or assist other team members. For singles, this is the best time to find new partners and have a chance to start a new relationship.

Tip of the week: Work on relationships

Aquarius: This week, you’ll be inclined to order and categorise your life. The Moon makes you more perceptive of inefficiencies that need correction. Use this energy to clean your home, organise your work environment better, or start a new healthy lifestyle. Your Aquarian spirit of innovation with the Moon’s realistic influence can help you find a new approach to old problems. But do not become overly critical of yourself or the people around you. At work, take up extra work or assume extra duties. Your creativity will be most appreciated this week, so do not shy away from expressing your opinions to your co-workers and managers. Singles, working on the self before looking for a partner is better.

Tip of the week: Organise your life

Pisces: This week, you will be inclined towards tasks that allow you to share your deepest emotions. You may also experience increased empathy, meaning you can easily understand other people’s feelings and vice versa. However, do not get carried away with the energies of others because it is possible to get overwhelmed. Try to learn how to set soft boundaries. Working Pisces may feel attracted to occupations that give them more input on what they are doing. It is a good time to come up with new ideas or even new approaches to solving existing problems in the workplace. This is the best time for singles to come out of their shells because they may feel more confident and charismatic than usual.

Tip of the week: Set personal boundaries

(Neeraj Dhankher is an Astrologer with proficiency in Vedic, KP and Nadi Astrology. He is the Founder and CEO of Astro Zindagi. The observations are made by the writer based on his analysis)

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