Twisting The Narrative To Suit Their Needs

Everyone knows that the Sivaramakrishnan Committee that was put together by the Home Ministry to suggest a possible location for a new capital for Andhra Pradesh strongly recommended against setting up the new capital in Amaravati.

Nevertheless, Chandrababu Naidu and his government went ahead with Amaravati as his community is very dominant there and owns huge chunk of land. This has always been the TDP’s modus operandi.

They first buy land and then develop the area. When the film industry shifted from Chennai to Hyderabad, the community got vast tracts of land at dirt cheap prices for setting up studios and constructing houses.

Poor Chiranjeevi who was not wise to this plan stayed put in Chennai until his bulb flashed and he too entered Hyderabad eventually.


Now, the TDP is seeking to give a fresh twist for indulging in real-estate in Amaravati by projecting it as a decision against the conspiracy of the Andhras.

According to the yellow batch, the then UPA government was dominated by powerful persons from Tamil Nadu and Karnataka who feared that locating the new capital in the heart of the State would greatly jeopardize the future industrial and economic interests of Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad.

Therefore, they were in favour of a place that would not be conducive to Andhra Pradesh while at the same time, the selection should appear justified and wanted the Sivaramakrishnan Committee to recommend such a site.

But, the genius Chandrababu Naidu saw through the game plan of the UPA and thwarted their plans by opting for Amaravati.

What a load of crap! What an incredible load of crap! Is it any wonder then that members of this community are able to come up with scripts like Baahubali, based on illusion and fantasy? Unfortunately, they don’t happen in real life. 

Sivaramakrishnan who was highly disappointed at his recommendation not being heeded wrote an open letter to The Hindu which he concluded with the following lines: The point is not about some landmark capital city which may come about later. What is important right now is the nearly suicidal move to mortgage AP’s political energy and financial resources to this capital project.

Since the letter was in English, and not in Andhra Jyothi or Eenadu, Chandrababu might not have read it but he could have at least asked Galla Jaydev to read it and explain it to him?

Written By Kiran Sharma

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