Triupati LS Nominee To Challenge EC's Act On Glass

The Glass is a big issue now in the run for the by-election at Tirupati Lok Sabha constituency. People are now talking about the Glass more than the polls.

It all started with the Election Commission allocating “Glass” symbol to the candidate of Navataram Party in the by-election. 

“Glass” symbol was given to the Jana Sena in the 2019 elections. However, the party failed to get the required percentage of votes or the number of MLAs to retain the symbol. Moreover, the Jana Sena is not contesting the Tirupati by-election.

Hence, the EC had allocated the “Glass” symbol to Navataram Party candidate, which confused the voters and which irked the alliance leaders of BJP and Jana Sena.


The BJP and Jana Sena leaders met Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora in Delhi and complained against Glass symbol.

Based on this complaint, the EC had dropped the Glass for the Navataram Party candidate, giving a sigh of relief to the BJP and Jana Sena.

However, things took new turn with Navataram Party deciding to cancel the EC decision, as they have already gone into the voters popularising the “Glass” symbol. 

The candidate and the party have published election material and distributed the same among the voters already. 

As they have already half-done their campaign, the Navataram Party had decided to challenge the EC decision seeking to retain the symbol.

It is now to be seen what the EC would do and what the parties and the candidates would do in the course of next couple of days.

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