Telugu Entrepreneurs receive Telugu Times Business Excellence Awards

Dr TV Nagendra Prasad, Consul General of India, San Francisco, Chief guest of Telugu Times Business Excellence Awards function appreciated the initiative and presented the awards to Entrepreneurs from different categories.

Dr Nagendra Prasad said the recognizing and awarding Companies will improve the competitiveness among the business community and will inspire the younger generation.

Sri Ponnala Lakshmayya, former Minister for IT & C, Govt of AP, Sri Jayaram Komati, Entrepreneur & Community leader, Mr. Ash Kalra, CA State Assembly Representative, Mayors of Milpitas, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale and several Business leaders came as Guests of Honor and participated in the Awards presentation Mr. Subba Row Chennuri, Editor & CEO of Telugu Times, USA, a 20 year old Telugu media company serving the NRI Telugu community in USA informed that Telugu Times started Business Excellence Awards with an objective of creating a platform for growing business community in USA. He also explained that the promotion in Telugu Times and its exclusive media partner -TV9 and in social media, resulted in very good response by way of nominations and referrals and with some scrutiny and consultation with Advisory Panel members, 10 Awardees are selected.

Mr. Bhaskar Sunkara, CEO- Bicycle AI gave a Key Note address on “ Building scalable businesses” and Mr. Murali Chirala, CEO- Falcon X, Sri Raja Konduri, Senior VP- Intel, Mr. Srikanth Satya, TO- Wheels Up, Sri Shravan Goli, President- Coursera did a ‘Fireside Chat’ giving their own experiences and views on entrepreneurship, technology upgrades and other issues.


The awardees are..

Real Estate category: Mr. Mukesh Parna, CEO- Sankalp Realty, Dallas, TX received the award and Sankalp Developers is a leading Real Estate firm with 20 years of existence, a 1000+ acre and bank, over $500 million business value.

Healthcare category: Mr. Vijay Reddy, CEO- Doctors Pharmacy , Seattle, WA received the award. Doctors Pharmacy is a leading Pharmacy chain in Washington State and reached to a $9 million business with in 4 years and growing fast with its customer service policies 

Community Service category: Mr. Jagadeesh Yalamanchili, CEO- UBLOOD , New Jersey received the award. U Blood is an App connecting Blood donors and needy blood receivers in any place and Mr Jagadeesh is promoting this app as a noble service for the last 3-4 years spending his time, money and expertise 

Manufacturing category: Mr. Srini Chinamilli, CEO-TESSOLVE, San Jose, CA received the Award.TESSOLVE is global company designing , testing and producing Semi Conductors and Engineering items and have offices in India, USA, Singapore, Malysia, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, Germany, UK, Canda etc.

Banking & Accounts category: Mr. Anil Grandhi, CEO- AG FINTAX, Seattle, WA received the award. AG FinTax is a leading Finance and CPA firm with customers, clients all over USA. AG Fin Tax helped thousands of Small Business owners in receiving Covid Relief benefits from US Federal Govt to the tune of over $300 million 

Hotels & Restaurants category: Mr. Kishore Kancharla, CEO- Bawarchi, Dallas, TX received the award. Bawarchi Biryanis is the largest restaurant chain with presence in 60+ locations in 20+ States of USA and Mr. Kishore manages , operates them on ownership, partnership, franchise model and runs it as corporate business.

Agriculture category: Mr. Jagan Chittiprolu, CEO – Samhitha Cash Crop Clinics , Seattle , WA received the award. Samhitha Cash crop Clinics help farmers to get produce with necessary advices. Mr. Jagan operated this in NAPA Valley and other places and now planning to carry out the same in big in Telugu states 

IT Services category: Mr. Seshu Maramreddy, CEO- MyGo Consulting, Chicago, IL received the award. MyGo Consulting is an IT services company with SAP as its specialization and turnover raised from $200 000 in 2013 to $47 million in 2023.

IT Technology: Mr. Mansoor Khan, CEO- Wave Labs , Milpitas, CA received the award. Wave Labs has grown from 100 to 1000 employees in 5 years and functions in identifying emerging Technology trends, proactive invests in building a Global Competency Matrix.

TV9 is functioning as exclusive Media Partner while Falcon X is a Venue partner and BATA is Organizing Partner.

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