Teachers are lifelong learners that inspire a passion for learning in their students. They inspire children to do great things and make them Global stewards.
Research & a few recent Newspaper reports in USA indicate a critical shortage of Educators especially in the areas of Math, Science & Special Education.
If you have a bachelor’s degree in any of the above-mentioned subjects along with Bachelor’s in Education (B.Ed.) go ahead to cherish your American dreams. Prior Teaching experience and Fluency in written & spoken English are mandatory.
Knowledge Resources Group Inc (KRG) is in the field of Education for several years and operate from Atlanta, Georgia, USA. KRG is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourage US Citizens, GC holders, EAD’s or any other Work Authorization to apply. KRG will sponsor Visa for qualified Teachers and KRG and has successfully employed more than 100 educators from USA, India and several other countries.
Most of their Teachers have been highly successful in their content areas and admired by the School managements, some of them have been awarded the best teacher for multiple years.
If you have flair & the skills for transforming the lives of students in American public schools and procrastinating for an American dream and qualified to teach in areas of Math, Science and Special Education, please apply online at info@krgus.com
Press release by: Indian Clicks, LLC