The Crime Investigation Department (CID) authorities of the Andhra Pradesh police on Tuesday booked criminal cases against 12 social media activists belonging to Telugu Desam Party for allegedly spreading false information about the welfare schemes being implemented by the Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy government.
These social media activists have allegedly been circulating a fake message in the social media, stating that the Jagan government was withdrawing two major welfare schemes – Amma Vodi and Vahana Mitra. The posts have gone viral, creating panic among the beneficiaries.
Following a complaint from the government, the CID police at Mangalagiri booked the cases against 12 persons, who allegedly shared the fake post and made it viral.
The CID also took into custody one Koganti Srinivas, from whom the post is believed to have originated.
The police booked cases against them under Section 66-C of the Information Technology Act, besides Sections 505 (2), 464, 465, 466, 469, 471, 474 and 500 of the Indian Penal Code.
They served notices to all of them under Section 41A of the Criminal Procedure Code, asking them to appear before the CID police for questioning by Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. Some more TDP activists are likely to get similar notices, sources said.
On coming to know that the CID has booked the TDP activists in the fake social media posts case, the TDP leaders went to the office of Director General of Police K V Rajendranath Reddy to give a representation stating that the CID notices were baseless.
The TDP activists, against whom the cases were filed, also made a representation to the DGP pleading innocence.
It is learnt the TDP is arranging legal assistance to the party workers who were booked by the CID.