Nara Lokesh is the only Indian to be invited to the World Economic Forum New Champions Summit to be held in China soon. Wow!
Why has this honour been bestowed on Nara Lokesh alone in a population of 100 crores? Simple!
This economic genius, who says he’ll create one lakh jobs by the end of 2019, paid his way into the event.
Apparently, there is a mammoth sum of money to be paid to get an invitation and the money has been arranged by Andhra Pradesh’s Economic Development Board which is headed by Jasti Krishna Kishore Chowdary. Need one say more?
The entry fee amount was arranged from the funds of the Economic Development Board and further expenses including Lokesh’s accommodation, travel and other expenses will also be borne by this Board.
Significantly, no other State in India bothered to send a representative as they felt that it was not worth it. If there was any tangible benefit from attending the event, definitely, the cash –rich States in India would have sent someone to participate in it.
But the yellow media is highlighting this invitation especially on social media as a great honour.
Signing MoUs with companies which don’t even have a website and then boasting about it on all platforms is an art which only the TDP and its lackeys can indulge in.
And by the way, whoever accompanies Lokesh this time, let’s hope they don’t have any root canal problem.