Real Hero's Properties In Mortgage

The onscreen villain has become a real hero in lockdown time. He became a household name in the entire nation with his good samaritan deeds.

He was praised in such a way for doing some things that even governments didn't do. He has taken a big care of daily wage workers who walked barefoot to reach their homes in other states due to the hibernated government transport. 

He started with that and didn't relax in helping the poor and the needy. He responded positively to as many appeals as possible by sending them the required money, be it a surgery or education or buying tractors for farmers. His social charity is most talked about and he did all this with his own money. 

Now it is revealed that he has mortgaged the properties of him and his wife to get money to serve the needy. His six flats worth Rs 10 Cr in Mumbai and two shops are now under mortgage.


The Properties he mortgaged recently on 24th of November belong to his wife. Sonu Sood is now acting in Telugu film "Alludu Adurs".

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