P-Star PK Became A Mega Joker

The people who are considered to be intelligent and shrewd at times show their true abilities and thus prove that they are actually jokers. 

At a time when the exploitation of the online spectrum and social media to run election campaigns was not prevalent, the name of Prashant Kishor emerged as he worked closely with some politicians, and luckily, those parties became victorious.

As a result, this Prashant Kishore, aka PK, has become a Political Star.

However, eventually, the politicians understood that he is of no great use and is a white elephant to be maintained. Readmore!

He was shunned by almost everyone, and finally, he started his own political party in Bihar, which is unable to stand on its own. A man who is not able to make his party stand has worked for the marathons of other parties, which is an irony.

Recently, he gave an interview to Karan Thapar in which he was seen shouting and arguing.

He was bluntly telling lies, claiming that he never uttered what Thapar had referred and that whatever is written in the media is just fabricated.

However, he has forgotten that he tweeted about it long ago on his own handle. Despite that, he is seen bluffing with a loud voice.

His language, body language, demeanor and way of articulation have projected him as a joker rather than anything else.

That's the plight of this 'Political Star' who turned out to be a 'Political Joker'.

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