One Case, One Order, One News, But Two Versions

The media in Andhra Pradesh has its own agenda, be it the pro-govt media or the anti-govt media. 

No media is unfortunately publishing a news as a news and then come up with analysis or editorial. 

Every news is a political editorial for the media, twisting it in line with its political editorial policy. 

The latest is the high court order on the Ganesh pandals in Andhra Pradesh on Wednesday. Readmore!

The State government had prohibited public Ganesh pandals and processions toeing the line of the Central government, which had issued Covid 19 guidelines.

The BJP and the TDP have criticised the State government’s decision while keeping silent on the guidelines issued by the Centre. 

As it has been happening for the past two-and-a-half years, someone challenges the government decision in the high court and the court takes it up for hearing.

On Wednesday, the court gave its verdict prohibiting pandals and processions in the public places but allowing pandals in the private places, which is almost same as the state government decided earlier.

Now, the high court order is the news and look at the media how they twist it and present it in line with their agenda.

The anti-government media says that the court had permitted pandals in the private places, while being silent on the same court’s order prohibiting pandals in public places.

The pro-government media says that the court had prohibited the pandals in the public places, while being silent on the same court’s order permitting pandals in the private places. 

This is how the media twists every news in Andhra Pradesh in tune with their political agenda, without having mercy to the readers.

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