Once worked as cleaner at McDonald: Smriti

In a recent interview, Smriti Irani, a well-known Indian politician and former Miss India, shared an inspiring anecdote about her journey to becoming a successful public figure.

She revealed that after being selected for the Miss India competition, she required a substantial amount of money, specifically ₹1 lakh, to support her participation in the pageant.

Smriti turned to her father for financial assistance, and while he agreed to provide her with the necessary funds, he made it clear that she would have to pay him back with interest.

Determined to fulfill her obligations, Smriti began working at a McDonald's outlet as a cleaner, earning a meager salary of ₹1500 per month.

Despite the difficulties she faced in the early days of her career, Smriti remained steadfast in her commitment to repaying her father's loan, and eventually succeeded in doing so.

Smriti's story is a testament to the power of hard work and perseverance in achieving one's goals, and serves as an inspiration to many who aspire to succeed in life.

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