Even as the imminent arrest of Bharat Rashtra Samithi working president K T Rama Rao in the Formula-E car race case is gaining the media focus, the party is making every attempt to divert the media attention and push the Congress party led by chief minister A Revanth Reddy on the defensive.
On Thursday, when the Enforcement Directorate was grilling KTR in the Formula-E car race issue, the BRS approached the Supreme Court seeking the disqualification of MLAs who were elected on the BRS symbol but joined the Congress.
Despite filing complaints against 10 MLAs nine months ago, the Speaker has not made any decision so far. The BRS filed an SLP (Special Leave Petition) challenging the state high court order refusing to act on the defection of three MLAs Kadiyam Srihari, Tellam Venkata Rao, and Danam Nagender from BRS to the Congress.
At the same time, it also filed a separate writ petition against the remaining seven MLAs.
The party pointed out to the Supreme Court that even after six months since the High Court’s verdict, the Speaker has not initiated any action, not even issuing notices.
The petition also referenced the Supreme Court’s previous judgment in the Kesam Meghachandra case, which mandated that Speakers should decide on complaints within three months.
The Speaker’s delay contradicts the Supreme Court’s earlier ruling in this case, it argued.
The BRS has requested the Supreme Court to direct the Speaker to make a decision within four weeks regarding the disqualification of MLAs who defected to the Congress despite winning on the BRS symbol.