Vijayawada People Want Volunteer System Back

The volunteer system of the YCP government might have acted as a barrier between the government and voters, contributing to the YCP's defeat in the elections.

However, there is a widely held opinion that this system provided significant support to all the people in the state. This sentiment is echoed by the victims of the Vijayawada floods.

If this system were still in place, each volunteer would have been responsible for 50 houses.

In situations like these floods, one person could have managed the safety of 50 families by alerting them about the floods, helping with evacuations, and providing food and water at the right time. Readmore!

Without the volunteer system under the current Alliance rule, the entire responsibility and burden fell on government agencies, which failed to meet the needs of the victims effectively.

The effectiveness of the volunteer system was also evident during the COVID-19 pandemic in Andhra Pradesh. Volunteers continuously tracked the health status of every individual, whether affected or unaffected.

Immediate medical action and other assistance were provided due to the dedicated volunteers assigned to every 50 families.

Currently, this is the story of a massive flood in just one city, Vijayawada, and its surrounding areas. Other places in the state were not as severely affected.

Moreover, Vijayawada is almost the capital hub of the state, yet the disaster management response proved to be a significant failure, leading to widespread criticism of the government.

People in Vijayawada believe that if the volunteer system had been in place, such a disaster might have been prevented with proactive measures.

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