Party Tensions Rise Over Sajjala's Role

YSRCP state general secretary Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy is facing criticism from party leaders and workers. There is a widespread demand to distance him from party affairs.

However, YSRCP chief Y. S. Jagan Mohan Reddy seems indifferent to these concerns.

Despite the belief that the party lost power due to Sajjala's influence, Jagan's decision to bring him back into the limelight is drawing heavy criticism.

Today, at 5 PM, a message was sent to party leaders stating that Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy will participate in a teleconference with YSRCP district presidents, MLAs, and assembly constituency coordinators. Readmore!

This has caused disappointment among YSRCP leaders. They question why Jagan continues to ignore their pleas to keep Sajjala at a distance.

Party leaders recall that during their time in power, putting Sajjala at the forefront of governance led to significant public dissatisfaction.

The public resented that, despite electing Jagan as Chief Minister, Sajjala seemed to be running the show.

Leaders are frustrated, pointing out that Sajjala has no direct connection with electoral politics and lacks understanding of grassroots issues, making it unclear why the party is being led by someone with no practical political experience.

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