Jagan urges Speaker to identify his party as the main opposition

After suffering a significant defeat, YSRC president and former Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy has written to Speaker Ayyanapatrudu, urging him to recognize the YSRC as the main opposition party in the Assembly.

The YSRC, which won 151 seats in the 2019 elections, was reduced to just 11 seats in the recently concluded Assembly elections. This left the YSRC unable to secure the status of the opposition party.

In his letter, Jagan Mohan Reddy pointed out that administering his oath after the Cabinet ministers was against tradition.

He stated, "It seems that you have decided not to grant opposition party status to the YSRC, but according to the law, the party with the most seats after the ruling party should be identified as the main opposition." Readmore!

He also mentioned that there is no rule requiring the opposition party to secure at least 10% of the votes. This rule has not been followed in either the Parliament or in the United Andhra Pradesh.

The former CM lamented that the ruling coalition and the Speaker have shown enmity towards him and his party members.

"In such a situation, I feel I would not be allowed to voice my opinions," he stated.

Furthermore, he asserted that he would only be able to raise his voice on people's problems if he is granted the status of the opposition party.

Jagan Mohan Reddy reminded the Speaker that during the 1984 election, the TDP won 30 MP seats out of 543. Despite not securing 10% of the seats, TDP's Parvataneni Upendra was recognized as the Opposition leader.

Similarly, in the 1994 United Andhra Pradesh elections, the Congress secured only 26 out of 294 seats, yet P. Janardhan Reddy was identified as the Opposition leader.

In the 2015 Delhi Assembly elections, the BJP won only 3 out of 70 seats but was still recognized as the main opposition party.

Jagan Mohan Reddy concluded by stating that his motive in writing the letter was to fight for the people's cause and represent their grievances in the Assembly.

He emphasized that participating in the Assembly proceedings is possible only if identified as the main opposition party.

He appealed to the Speaker to consider all the above points and take the necessary action.

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