Paarijatha Parvam Review: Amateurish Kidnap Drama

Movie: Paarijatha Parvam
Rating: 1.5/5
Vanamali Creations
Cast: Chaitanya Rao, Malavika Sateeshan, Harsha Chemudu, Sunil, Shradha Das, Srikanth Aiynger, Surekha Vani and others.
Music Director: Ree
DOP: Bala Saraswathi
Editor: Sasank Vupputuri
Producers: Mahidhar Reddy, Devesh
Written and Directed by: Santosh Kambhampati
Release Date: April 19, 2024

Among the many new releases this weekend, "Parijatha Parvam" stands out for its notable cast.

Let us see its merits and demerits.

Chaitanya (Chaitanya Rao) has been attempting to direct a film with a story that he believes should be his debut vehicle, and he is very particular about casting his friend (Harsha Chemudu) as the hero. Readmore!

While many producers like his script, they send him away when they learn that he wants to cast his friend as a hero.

Chaitanya also admits that he based his story on Bar Seenu (Sunil), a wannabe actor turned bar owner.

After many rejections, Chaitanya decides to kidnap Surekha (Surekha Vani), the female partner of a well-known producer (Srikanth Aiyenger). So that he can make his debut film with the money he earns from his kidnapping. His girlfriend (Malvika Sateeshan) and his friend also help him.

Will this kidnapping attempt go well? How does Bar Seenu's story connect with Chaitanya's kidnapping attempt?

Artistes’ Performances:
Chaitanya Rao is okay. Harsha Chemudu's acting has become rather monotonous. Sunil and Shraddha Das land better roles.

Sunil, who plays a wannabe actor and bar owner, adds some interest to the film. Shraddha Das is well-suited for this role.

Surekha Vani gets a character that is different from her usual stock of roles.

Technical Excellence:
The film's technical and production values are comparable to those of a short film.

Slightly better sequences in second half

Boring first half
Amateurish writing and direction
Low production values

Movies depicting failed kidnapping attempts or comedies centered around ordinary individuals trying to carry out kidnappings are not a novel concept.

Numerous films have repeatedly employed a similar structure with alterations on numerous occasions. "Paarijatha Parvam" is another such attempt.

But the new director, Santosh Kambhampati, lacks proficient writing abilities, thus failing to contribute any fresh elements to this existing template or present it in an engaging manner.

The film is purportedly a comedy, yet it fails to elicit any laughter. The first half of the film is so tedious that those who patiently await the second half are regarded as true exemplars of optimism.

“Parijaatha Parvam” features two interesting lines. "Everyone who resides in Krishna Nagar thinks they have written a great story," says the producer in response to the narration of the aspiring director (played by Chaitanya Rao). Similarly, Sunil, who experiences failure in his attempts to pursue an acting career, acknowledges that he has come to the realization that the jokes that his friends and relatives in the village find amusing does not appeal to the directors and producers.

While watching the film, we also share a similar sentiment towards the director of this film.

The film's only intriguing aspect is its portrayal of a kidnapping drama in which multiple groups assume they did the kidnapping. However, the true identity of the actual kidnapper is used as a plot twist.

The lack of good laughs and weak writing, combined with the boring narration, has tested patience. Though the second half of the film is slightly better than the first, it is clearly an amateur effort.

Overall, "Parijatha Parvam" is another boring film released during the summer holiday season.

Bottomline: Sahana Pareeksha Parvam

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