NATA Membership drive was a grand success in MN

NATA Minnesota regional team organized a Membership drive event on Saturday Feb 1st, 2020 in Minneapolis to expand its services in Midwest region by meeting people with NATA president elect Dr. Sridhar Reddy Korsapati.  

Sainatha Yerri in his introductory speech invited Dr. Korsapati to Minneapolis and explained the activities that the MN leadershop is involved.

He later called upon NATA MN Regional Leadership team Venkata Ramireddy Chintam, Srinivasa Reddy Pichala, Pradeep Chowti and Ravi Peruri. Narayana Reddy extended his warm welcome to Dr. Korsapati for his gracious presence in Minneapolis. Dr.Korsapati was felicitated by Sankar Bandi.

Dr. Korsapati addressed the NATA`s current ongoing projects and the upcoming projects that the leadership is planning on implementing.


He expressed the need of regional leadership to take the services to a higher level and requested everyone to empower NATA’s strong desire to help and support the diversified Indian overseas community “By bringing a change” and  provide needful community services where it requires “Need and Purpose” at every step of their lives.

He invited everyone to join the NATA convention in Atlantic City, NJ on June 26th, 27th and 28th.

Later Sainatha Yerri, Venkata Ramireddy Chintam, Srini Reddy Pichala & Ravi Peruri thanked all who attended the event.

A word of special for Mahesh Gummadi managing partner of “BestPenn Properties” for sponsoring dinner and for supporting the NATA Minnesota’s event, Narayan Reddy for sponsoring the pre-event dinner and appreciated all the local Telugu Organizations for making the event a grand success.

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