Naidu Scoring A Self-Goal?

Why did the BJP which did not permit the no-confidence motion in Parliament in the last session in Parliament, accept it immediately this time?

Despite not giving Andhra Pradesh anything, how is the saffron Party confident of defending itself against the accusations of the Andhra MPs in Parliament in front of the nation?

That’s because the BJP has come out with a strong strategy to stampede the TDP once and for all.

Apparently, the NDA Ministers will be exposing in Parliament, the misuse of funds resorted to by Naidu and Co thereby shaming him in front of the nation.


The perception will then shift from SCS to the corruption indulged in by Naidu.

While TDP moved the no-confidence motion purely with the motive of electoral benefits in Andhra Pradesh by projecting itself as a fighter for AP’s cause, the move could boomerang badly if Chandrababu stands exposed in Parliament.

Also, Naidu has been speaking of a major role in national politics. If exposed in Parliament, it could well be the end of his national dreams.

Two birds with one stone for BJP!

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