More Troubles for OPT students filing H1-B visa

Ready or not, H-1B Cap Registration Season is upon us. This year, employers will participate in electronic registration by paying a $10 fee.

Given the ease, there will be huge number of H1-B applications and intense competition.

As per USCIS, Registration period is from March 1 – March 20, 2020 after which one cannot participate in H-1B Cap program. Employers will be notified about the selection by March 31st, following which they will be given at least 90 days to file the H-1B petition.

Given the short deadline for filing, OPT students even if they have a year or two of STEM OPT left, should give it a try now.

OPT students who are planning to be on cap gap need more caution, USCIS made it clear, that the selection of a case through pre-registration does not automatically qualify for cap-gap. In order to qualify, you will need to file H-1B prior to OPT expiration

Given the preplanning needed, OPT students should find employers as soon as possible, provide supporting evidence to analyze eligibility and missing evidence and prepare their file.

In order to quickly find a sponsoring employer, students from 150+ universities are using a powerful resume blast feature provided by Using this feature OPT/CPT students can quickly gain visibility and get exposure with 2500+ employers and save time, hence finding the right job opportunity.

Students on F1 visa going through OPT/CPT/H1B phase have many unanswered questions related to Job Search, Career, Immigration rules etc. To quickly find answers, students are interacting at DesiOPT Forums and DesiOPT Facebook community of 170,000+ OPT/CPT students. is a Job Site Connecting Students with Employers. Job Seekers can Signup and blast resume to 2500+ consulting & corporate companies.

Press release by: Indian Clicks, LLC

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