Money Craving Leaders Are Angry With YS Jagan

YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has been throwing cold water on the greed of many politicians ever since he came to power. He is not leaving any chance to earn big out of the way when the season comes.

It is known that election time is one season where the leaders tend to earn some money from the fund allocated to distribute to the voters. 

But this time YSRCP, TDP and BJP are not spending anything to distribute to the voters.

Initially when the name of Ratna Prabha was announced by the BJP High Command, many of the party leaders were in merry that she would take out a huge sum of money as she is rich. But she decided not to spend anything. Thus the BJP leaders are utterly disappointed. From then, many leaders distanced themselves from the candidate during the campaign. 


Same is the case with TDP candidate Panabaka Lakshmi who knows that she is contesting a losing battle. She is no way interested to spend her energies and resources as per the sources. Thus the TDP leaders are also disappointed. 

On the other hand even YS Jagan Mohan Reddy is also not allowing anyone to distribute money to the voters. Many assumed that some fund would be released to support the new candidate Guru Murthy but nothing of that sort has happened.

The leaders in YSRCP are also disappointed and angry with YS Jagan Mohan Reddy for not letting any way for them to earn. Such leaders are openly showing their disinterest in politics as well. 

On a whole, this entire phenomenon is a welcoming scenario in the democracy of India.

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