Megastar Underwent Hair Transplantation?

These days, hair transplantation has become a fashion for film stars these days. To be more precise, it has become a necessity for them.

All these days, many film directors, producers and actors had been using wigs, but wigs have turned out be a big headache for them. So, they have started going in for hair weaving and transplantatkion.

According to grapevine, director V V Vinayak and producer Bandla Ganesh have recently undergone hair weaving.

Even a top director who is known for making message-oriented movies also followed this technique to cover up his baldness.


Sources said now megastar Chiranjeevi is learnt to have gone in for hair weaving recently. That could be the reason why he has been frequently seen with a hat, say sources.

In the past, people were scared of getting hairweaving done, fearing reactions. But now technology has changed the entire scenario and it is available even locally.

As a result, film personalities are keen on getting hair transplantation done without any hesitation, so as to cover up their baldness.

When megastar himself is following this technology, one won’t be surprised if one can’t find any bald head in the Telugu film industry soon!

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