The Telangana high court on Wednesday dismissed a petition of rebel YSR Congress party MP from Narasapuram parliamentary constituency K Raghurama Krishnam Raju requesting for transfer of Andhra Pradesh chief minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy’s bail cancellation case from the CBI special court to another criminal court.
The high court, which admitted Raju’s petition on Tuesday, pulled up the MP for not trusting the CBI court. It observed that the reasons cited by Raju for seeking the transfer of case to another court lacked any merit.
“There should be some strong and valid reasons for transferring any case from one court to another court. But the petitioner could not substantiate his reasons, which are purely hypothetical,” the high court observed.
Raju filed the petition in the special court for CBI cases in Hyderabad seeking cancellation of bails of YSRC president and Andhra Pradesh chief minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy and party MP V Vijay Sai Reddy in the quid pro quo case being investigated by the CBI.
While the CBI court was supposed to deliver its judgement on the bail cancellation petition on Wednesday, Raju moved the Telangana high court requesting that the petition be shifted to another criminal court in Hyderabad or other parts of Telangana.
He said the report published in Sakshi media, owned by Jagan Mohan Reddy, that the CBI court dismissed the bail cancellation petition, had given rise to the apprehension that the judgement might have been leaked to Sakshi.
So, he wanted the high court to stop the CBI court from delivering its judgment and transfer the case to another criminal court.