Help Vishweshwar Fight Alkaptonuria a Rare Disease

Hello Friends,

Vishweshwar Chiluka has been diagnosed with Alkaptonuria a rare genetical disease. ( Due to Alkaptonuria, he is suffering with Lombard, Thoracic & Cervical Spondylosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteo Arthritis. He is currently admitted at AIG Hospital, Hyderabad.

Before diagnosed with this rare disease, he has undergone several surgeries to his legs and back in the last ten years which are caused due to the said condition but not identified early due to its rarity. Last month his condition got very critical and was admitted to AIG Hospital, Gachibowli.

Though he is struggling with his condition for the last few years he was able to manage for himself in terms of treatment and its associated costs. As a sole earner in his family, he ran out of his savings and all possible personal funds from his family. Now he needs support to cover his hospital expenses and continued medication for 3 years. Due to its rarity the medicine (Cap. Orfadin / Nitisinone 2mg) is too expensive and costs around $1500 per month.

Kindly support Vishweshwar Chiluka by Clicking this Link to Donate.

He is having two school-going daughters studying 2nd grade and 7th grade respectively and their future is also dependent on his recovery.

We are requesting everyone who reads this to please contribute any amount they wish, your help is very valuable to us. No amount is a small amount and every contribution is used to cover my brother's hospital expenses and purchase of expensive medicine.

Kindly Donate Online using this Campaign Link:

Here’s How We’ll Use Your Contributions: Your contributions will directly help Vishweshwar
- Pay his nearly $116,500 USD cost of medicine for 3 years (Cap. Orfadin / Nitisinone 2mg)
- Pay ongoing Hospitalisation Costs

CLICK HERE!! for the list of Documents.

Thank You for Supporting Vishweshwar Fight Alkaptonuria 

P.S. Please share this campaign on social media and with your friends and family – Vishweshwar needs all the help he can get right now.

Yours truly,
Vishweshwar’s Family and Friends.

Press release by: Indian Clicks, LLC

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