Hackers Attacked Kalyan Sunkara's Channel

Janasena sympathizer and advocate Kalyan Dileep Sunkara (KDS) has been doing ideology oriented attacking videos on a media channel. 

The supporters of that channel and the concerned political party sympathizers have sent hackers on to the channel of Dileep Kalyan Sunkara. 

As thousands of members related to a party reported all at once, both the facebook page and youtube channel of KDS got down.

After giving an explanation that the content is not related to hate speech or sexual content, the channel and the facebook page are retrieved.


In the meanwhile hackers attacked the youtube channel of KDS and successfully deleted some content.

The youtube team alerted the owners of this channel stating that some hackers are intruding. Kalyan Sunkara stated that the channel is safe now after taking some necessary steps.

He announced that the video which is supposed to release on Sunday morning will be streamed from the evening due to the above technical issues.

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