Director's Side Business Minting Money

If a person has acquaintances and good connections in the industry, he can earn money without investing a single penny. 

Some people live on such relations business in the name of brokering. Busy celebrities generally dont take up such acyivities. But the mindset of industry people is changing these days as they are thinking that anything viable is a very good option to earn money.

There is a talk going on in the industry that a top director is trying to set up films for a big production house. 

He has already set up a project in this fashion with a star hero and charging his fee either as a share in profits or a lumpsum amount as brokerage as per the grapevine.


Now, he is setting up a new project with a mega hero for the same production house. 

He is helping a young director to narrate the story to the mega hero and he is suggesting some changes to the story and planning to set up this project. If the project is finalized, it is a second project for the director in this route.

This director also looks after the marketing of his films and he has business deals in marketing as per the talk in the inner circles of Tollywood. Now, he is earning more by closing deals for other directors. 

The people who came to know about his business acumen are saying that there is nothing wrong to earn money when he has got all the talent. It seems he is strictly following the popular saying 'Make the hay while the Sun shines'.

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