Dil Raju Minimized Rs 10 Cr Risk?

Indraganti-Nani-Sudheer Babu teamed up for 'V'. There was some negative buzz in the industry when the movie was nearing completion. These things are common in the industry.

Everybody was thinking that the movie will work because of Dil Raju's taste and Indraganti's taking. When people came to know that the budget of the movie crossed Rs.35 cr, there were some comments in the industry like how Dil Raju comes out safely?

At this juncture, all the theatres were closed due to coronavirus pandemic, and the situations completely reversed. 

Will the audience visit theatres if they are reopened? Will they come to watch this type of thrillers with their families? If they don't come to watch, what will be the situation? There are several doubts in the minds of the makers so they have finally voted for OTT release.


Close sources reveal that Dil Raju escaped nearly Rs.10 cr risk by going for OTT release. 

The movie will be released in OTTs in September. Dil Raju received Rs. 31 cr after the deduction of taxes, GST etc. He has already sold the Hindi rights for approximately Rs. 6 cr.  The total revenue is around Rs 37 cr and it is a no-profit no-loss situation for Dil Raju.

Moreover, the movie can be released in theatres for one week as per the agreement with Amazon. If he chooses good timing and releases the movie, he will get one or two crores.

If Dil Raju has not gone for OTT release, he would have incurred losses on the movie. Finally, the story of 'V' ended on a positive note.

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