Coronavirus Review: More Scarier Than COVID19

Movie: Coronavirus
Rating: 0.5/5
Company Production
Cast: Srikanth Iyenger, Vamsee Chaganti, Dakkshi, Sonia Akula, and others
Writer: Kalyan Raghav
Music: DSR
Cinematography: Malharbhatt Joshi
Editor: Nagendra
Producers: RGV, Nannapu Reddy, Yella Reddy
Direction: Agasthya Manju
Release Date: December 11, 2020

Even before the lockdown was imposed, K Anand Rao (Srikanth Iyenger) and his family are already facing their own problems as his daughter-in-law (Dakkshi) forces his son (Vamsee) to move out of this house and live separately.

The lockdown adds salt to the injury. Anand Rao’s daughter Shanti (Sonia Akula) shows symptoms of COVID19 but he refuses to get her tested.

As the days pass, he starts developing the same symptoms. What happens next is anybody’s guess.  Readmore!

Artistes’ Performances:
The story entirely takes place in an apartment, and all the characters talk loud as they maintain social distancing in their home.

Srikanth Iyenger, as an anxious father, gives a neat performance. The other actors have no depth to their character. 

Technical Excellence:
The film has typical production and technical values of RGV’s movies. Nothing much to write about them.


Start to finish

The world has never seen a pandemic like a coronavirus before. Except for the Hollywood movie ‘Contagion’, not many movies had explored the theme of a pandemic like this.

In the coming years, we will be witnessing scores of films on the topic of the COVID-19. Like always, RGV is quick to jump into the arena. “Coronavirus” is his latest film that has dealt with the health scare.

Directed by his associate Agasthya Manju, the film is another attempt of RGV to cash in on the current situation. He has been churning out films with the burning issues, albeit in a boring manner. This is no different either. 

The 90-minute movie begins with the family problems of Anand Rao, the domestic tussle between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Soon, the film comes to the main point with the government imposing a lockdown in India.

It would have been a good film had RGV and his associate focussed more on the anxieties and mental stress that the pandemic caused. Instead, they have shown us some silly sequences of Anand Rao asking his entire family members to keep maintaining social distance in their apartment, and commentary on the lockdown effects.

The film was meant for release for the early stages of lockdown. But now at the far end of 2020, those scenes seem silly and make a tiresome watch. 

With the eight characters talking nonsense and behaving silly in their apartment, added to Manju and his team’s lousy screenplay, the film has tested the patience.

RGV urgently needs to hire quality writers before filming these movies that deal with the socially-relevant themes. 

Bottom-line: Headache-inducing

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