Corona Effect: Telugu Heroes Scared Of Newspapers!

Our film heroes display their heroism only on screen. In many films, we see the hero roughing up not less than 10 goondas with a single hand. Even a slim-looking hero can lift a heavyweight villain and throw him away.

But in real life, they are different persons. They are now scared of Coronavirus that is wreaking havoc with the lives of people across the world.

After all, the heroes are human beings. So, they are keeping away from shootings and unless some scientist discovers vaccine to prevent the spread of Coronavirus, they are not ready to resume their shootings.

These heroes are taking so much precaution to avoid contracting the virus that they are not subscribing to even newspapers. Readmore!

Especially, star heroes are said to be afraid of touching the daily newspapers. Apparently, they are under the impression that Covid-19 could spread even through newspapers.

In fact, it was proved scientifically that the virus will not spread through currency and newspapers. Even the media has taken up vigorous campaign to convey the message.

They are sanitising the machines in the printing presses and even the newspapers while they are being printed, people are still not believing. So are our heroes.

Recently, a cinema magazine printed a few copies for selective circulation and tried to distribute the same to all the Telugu film heroes through paper boys.

But the boys were turned down by the security personnel at the residences of the heroes, stating that they were not interested in reading the magazines.

The security people told the paper boys that these heroes had stopped subscribing to even news dailies because of Corona effect.

Only after the Corona pandemic subsides, the heroes would resume subscription of newspapers first, followed by film magazines.

If these heroes are scared of even touching the newspapers and magazines, how and when will they step out to take part in shootings?

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