CBI Files An FIR On Dr Sudhakar

The case of Dr Sudhakar is taking many turns. After investigating the officers relating to Fourth Town Police, KHG and Mental Hospital, in a surprising move CBI has filed an FIR on Dr Sudhakar today. The FIR was also uploaded in its website. 

The charges were listed out to be:

- Talking bad about the public representatives in public, being a public servant
- Using unparliamentary words on the police on duty 
- Throwing away the mobile phone of a constable 
- Creating nuisance in public and frightening the public

Adding to this the Fourth Town police has handed over and 130 page CD File with 23 witnesses to the CBI.


Based on that CBI director Sharma has filed another FIR on Dr Sudhakar. Besides another case on him was filed under section 188 on the charges of violating the lockdown rules. 

Despite the family members of Sudhakar made an agitation against the police, everybody got shocked with CBI filing FIR on Dr Sudhakar.

CBI has initially filed a case on the police on the order of High Court. But today, the same CBI has filed a very big FIR on Dr Sudhakar. We have to see where it goes and ends.

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