Buzz: Director's Madness for Publicity Reaches Peak

He is a director with half a dozen films to his credit. He is also a writer and producer, besides possessing other talents as well.

He has been making movies for a long time but tasted success very recently. Since then, he has been on a spree of announcing various projects. 

Of many projects he had announced or informed the media, only one film hit the floors.

Currently busy making that one, he is also promoting himself. He made a career out of ‘publicity.' 


Sometime back, he celebrated his birthday, and the industry was surprised to see the ads on various websites.

The truth is that he spent nearly Rs 25 lakhs on his birthday ads on Google. It is not clear whether the money was paid by him or the producer of his current film. 

Industry folks say that he is not coming out of his ‘publicity’ activity yet. Instead of concentrating on his self-promotion, he should rather focus on his film, say the observers.

If the film clicks, he will automatically get his name. But anyone who knows him will say he cannot live without publicity. 

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