Big Joke: NTR Meeting Chandrababu On 10th

There has been widespread propaganda today that NTR is going to meet Chandrababu on the 10th of this month. 

No one knows who started this first but every yellow media channel started reporting this in a big way without even cross checking where NTR is at present. 

He is in the USA on vacation with his family and also attending the Golden Globe Awards event scheduled on 11th.

Then, how can he meet CBN on the 10th?


Inside sources also say that he is not going to come back to India till the end of this month. 

"Yellow media and TDP fanatics seem to be believing that everything they dream is happening in reality. This can be called a mass mental illusion", says a journalist. 

It can be concluded that the news about NTR meeting CBN ended up as the biggest joke of this week.

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