Bengaluru's rave party stirs controversy in Telugu states

The recent rave party held in Bengaluru has sparked significant excitement and controversy, particularly in the neighboring states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, more so than in Karnataka itself.

The reason behind this heightened interest is the confirmed participation of several individuals from the Telugu cinema industry, as well as prominent figures in politics and business. Consequently, the Bengaluru rave party has become a hot topic of discussion in the Telugu states.

Hyderabad has long been a focal point for rave parties, drug consumption in pubs, and similar illicit activities.

Resorts and farmhouses in and around the city have often been venues for such gatherings. However, due to intensified police surveillance and stringent measures against drug trafficking, these activities in Hyderabad have significantly decreased. Readmore!

The Telangana Police have been proactive in tracking down and arresting major drug criminals, both domestic and international. This crackdown has instilled fear among those who might consider organizing rave parties in Hyderabad. As a result, the spotlight has shifted to Bengaluru, which is emerging as a new hub for such events.

The Bengaluru rave party has revealed the involvement of movie stars, businessmen, and politicians, with medical examinations confirming the consumption of expensive drugs at the event. This has raised concerns about whether Bengaluru is becoming a new platform for these activities.

The culture of such parties is leading people of all age groups into the trap of drug addiction, with event organizers and DJs capitalizing on the lucrative opportunities these parties present.

The drug trade has found fertile ground in these parties, prompting law enforcement agencies to increase their vigilance.

In response to the Bengaluru incident, Hyderabad Police and officials from the Telangana Anti-Narcotics Bureau have heightened their surveillance. They are closely monitoring event organizers who might be involved in drug peddling under the guise of parties.

Following the Bengaluru rave party, three suspects have already been detained and questioned in Hyderabad. Based on their information, the police have tracked down another significant drug supplier.

The increased police surveillance in Hyderabad has driven organizers to shift their activities to Bengaluru, which is geographically closer to both Telugu states.

A senior police officer from Hyderabad noted that the availability of drugs, particularly those supplied by Nigerian nationals, makes Bengaluru an attractive alternative for these organizers.

These parties are often masked as birthday celebrations, weddings, or bachelor parties, making it challenging for the police to trace them.

Over the past six months, there has been a notable rise in drug parties organized under these pretexts. Glamorous film and TV stars are reportedly paid millions of rupees to attend and add appeal to these events.

The recent rave party in Bengaluru has exposed a worrying trend of shifting drug-related activities from Hyderabad to Bengaluru.

With the involvement of high-profile individuals and the consumption of expensive drugs, it has become a matter of serious concern for law enforcement agencies.

As the Hyderabad police ramp up their efforts to curtail such activities, the shift to Bengaluru underscores the need for a coordinated and robust response to combat the growing menace of drug parties in the region.

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