All India Congress Committee in-charge of Telangana affairs Manickam Tagore on Friday announced that he had “unfriended” former US president Barack Obama, who had held India in high esteem during his tenure.
Reason: Obama reportedly made some objectionable comments against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in his upcoming memoir “A Promised Land.”
In the book, Obama described Rahul Gandhi as a “student eager to impress the teacher.”
He said: “Rahul Gandhi was a nervous, unformed quality about him, as if he were a student who’d done the coursework and was eager to impress the teacher but deep down lacked either the aptitude or the passion to master the subject.”
Taking objection to Obama’s observations about Rahul, AICC general secretary Manickam Tagore declared that he would not follow Obama hereafter in the social media.
He said he had been following Obama in Twitter since 2009, but now he had decided to unfriend the former US president.
He said as a true Indian, he would feel that the comments made by Obama on Indian politicians were not acceptable.
“I have unfollowed him. If possible, do you, too, unfollow him?” Tagore asked.