8 Mini Meals To Lose Weight Easily

Weight Loss is the mission of many people in India and across the world. The sedentary lives have been finding ways to shed extra kilos with diet change rather than rigorous exercises.  Nutritionist Anjali Mukerjee shares 8 small meals that you can consume during your weight loss journey if you feel hungry.

She writes, “When it comes to weight loss, it's not only about what you're eating but also about how much and how often you are eating.”

She says, “In the world of nutrition, it is a known fact that you should burn more calories than you consume to lose weight and fat. And how can one achieve this? By portion control and optimal meal frequency.

Studies have shown that eating frequent mini-meals throughout the day, prevents the metabolism from slowing down, reduces hunger pangs, optimally fuels your body and has a positive impact on cholesterol & insulin levels.”

Here are the 8 mini-meals shared by the nutritionist:

1. 1 cup of soya milk with almonds.
2. Half a sandwich made with 1 slice of whole wheat bread with either of the following fillings: Shredded chicken, cucumber, tomato with chutney or paneer.
3. 1 bowl of moong sprouts with salad.
4. A handful of peanuts with channa in the ratio of 1:1.
5. Substitute your rotis with wheat bran rotis and reduce the number of rotis to half of your regular consumption.
6. 1 toast with 2 egg whites omelette or one full egg omelette.
7. One Fruit, Either an apple, orange, sweet lime, 20 cherries or 1 bowl of watermelon.
8. A bowl of dal or curd with salad.

She concludes with her words, “ PS: It is recommended to have a 3-hour gap between each mini-meal. So choose any 6 from the options given for a one day eating plan.”

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